IV Therapy

Offering Safe IV Treatments to Promote Healing

Applying infusions intravenously through an IV is a quick way to provide much-needed nutrients to your body at the cellular level. When used as part of our nutrition and detoxification services, these treatments promote whole-body healing and recovery.

Intravenous infusions can be made to specific orders, or the following standard IVs can be administered.

Our IV Infusion Treatments

Vitamin Therapy

Vitamin therapy administered through an IV can boost energy levels, stimulate healing and recovery, and relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. This therapy is often done as part of our nutritional counseling services. Dr. Lipton creates a custom blend of nutrients for each individual. Many feel improvement during the infusion. Typical course of infusions is weekly for 6 to 12 weeks.

Chelation Therapy

With Chelation therapy, you can improve circulation and overall health by removing toxic materials and heavy chemicals from your body. Learn more about Chelation Therapy >>


This treatment, also called photo-oxidation therapy, provides an ultraviolet treatment to your own blood, stimulating and boosting their antibiotic capabilities. Learn more about Photo-Oxidation Therapy >>

Contact Us To Schedule an Appointment

Call 610-667-4601 for more information about our IV treatments or to schedule an appointment. You may also schedule an appointment online.