Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy(HRT)

BIo Identical Hormone Replacement uses hormones form natural sources and in natural ratios to mimic optimal physiologic activity. This can be in the form of herbal remedies, prescription drugs available at most pharmacies, and compounded medications from specific pharmacies. Bio HRT compounds can be taken orally, sublingually, topically or implanted under the skin.

As we age, the incidence of all disease increases

Bioidentical hormone replacement is an anti-aging treatment that involves using naturally derived hormones to mimic and optimize the function and level of hormones found in the body. This treatment can be used with male/female hormones, thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, and even insulin. While we cannot prevent all aging, we can substantially slow it and improve quality of life through diet, supplementation, activity and bioidentical hormone replacement.

BioIdentical hormones are those that are meant to duplicate the body’s natural production of hormones. For example, human thyroid has both T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (tetraiodothyronine). Most thyroid treatment is T4 only, bioidentical thyroid treatment would be both T3 and T4. Female hormones made in the human body are estrogen and progesterone, the bioidentical approach would be to supplement with natural forms of these hormones as opposed to pharmaceutical varieties.

What makes a hormone?

‘Hormone’ (Noun): A substance, usually a peptide or steroid, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect physiological activity.
Examples: Growth Hormone, Thyroid, Insulin, Estrogen Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, and Vitamin D

Hormones are natural occurring in the body and their levels peak in our teen age years. Many hormone levels persist through all ages but some, especially sex hormones, can begin to drop after age 45. Many foods, herbs and activities can have a natural affect of boosting hormone levels. Bioidentical hormones can also be produced in the lab from natural sources.

Why are hormones considered a drug?

Hormones and hormone analogs can be synthesized in the lab and have a similar affect to those produced in the body, but may also have medicinal side effects! Many hormones are introduced by accident to the body through the use of chemicals including cosmetics, perfumes, hormone-treated animals, and combustion of plastics. Hormones can have profound and dramatic affects on health and on metabolism. Improper levels can cause devastating health problems. Therefore, hormone levels and their effects should be monitored if supplementing.